Month September 2007

Theory 12… Death Comes To Us All…

… And now thanks to the Internet you can find out THE EXACT PERSONAL DATE OF YOUR DEATH. That’s right…. it may be a little bit morbid, but the web site has created the master algorithm! Simply put in…

Theory 11… Addition is Easier than Subtraction

I think it’s more of a fundamental law than a theory… Adding is just plain easier than subtracting. Gain 5 pounds… give me a weekend with some Chubby Hubby ice cream. Lose 5 pounds… much trickier. As a freshmen in…

Theory 10… Baby Boomers Hate Spicy Food

Why do Babyboomers hate spicy food? Seriously… if you want to scare a 50-something… show up to the office with a spicy Thai dish… or some Indian, Afgan, or Pakastani food. That’s exactly what I did last week… I picked…

Theory 9… The Bellagio has Ruined Old Faithful

Back in August our little family went up to Yellowstone. We enjoyed the scenery and had a fun time swimming in the Firehole River… but I’ve got to admit I was a little disappointed with the Old Faithful Geyser. We…

Theory 8… Plumbing Problems are Like Hurricanes

Perhaps the worst thing about being a homeowner is dealing with plumbing problems. I think it’s one of Murphy’s Laws… Upon purchasing a home you will inevitably have pipes that break, drains that clog, a basement that floods, etc. etc.…

Theory 7… Barry’s Baseball Should Be Banished

If you haven’t heard, a gentlemen by the name of Mark Ecko recently purchased the baseball that Barry Bond’s knocked into the stands to break Hank Aaron’s record. Now Mr. Ecko wants us to help decide the fate of the…

Theory 4…. Never Buy the Cheap Charcoal

So it’s not really a theory… more of a public service announcement… or at the very least a good bit of advice. Over the weekend I hosted the dinner group for my Executive MBA program at our the family cabin.…

Theory 3… Hollywood Hates Jesus

The other night at the Emmy Awards ceremony an actress/comedian named Kathy Griffin (pictured above) gave a rather blasphemous acceptance speech. I caught the video clip on a newscast and was rather surprised that a public figure would say something…

Theory 2… Cracklin’ Out Bran is too Expensive!

What’s the deal with Cracklin’ Oat Bran? The stuff is just so darn expensive…. and it’s a shame… because it’s pretty good stuff. As a connoisseur of cold cereal I occasionally like to rank the best cereals like the college…

High Time to Start a Blog

Well, I’ve been waiting long enough. It’s high time I actually start a blog. I nearly started one back in 2004 but decided against it. Right now I run 4 other blogs, but all of them are related to work…