My daughter Abby (age 2) loves to give kisses… and her Daddy loves to receive them. Funny thing is Abby honestly believes her kisses have healing power. For the last several months, any time she falls down or bumps her head, we’ve taught her that a kiss will make it feel better. She’s bought into it wholeheartedly. A couple of weeks ago my mother-in-law had a bout with meningitis… Abby went to visit her and gave her a kiss… the next day when she heard that Grandma was still sick she took objection… “Grandma’s not sick… I kissed her better!”
This week Abby slipped off a chair and scraped her chin on the kitchen table. She immediately started crying and came over to me.. I looked at her chin and there was a nasty little flesh wound. Sure enough… once I kissed her chin she stopped crying and continued on her way.
The whole thing got me thinking… MAYBE KISSES DO MAKE THINGS BETTER. My theory is… when it all comes down to it LOVE AND KISSES can pretty much make any pain go away. I’ve thought about testing this theory by having Abby kiss my mortgage payment each month… but for now I’ll just go on believing in the all-healing-power of kisses and look forward to receiving them from Abby each day.