Here’s another guaranteed theory…. If you ever want people to pray for your family… just tell them your newborn baby is sick… you’re guaranteed to get lots of love, prayers, and support… and perhaps even a few hot meals from the Relief Society.
Laura and I truly want to thank all of you for your love and incredible kindness this past week… so many have been helpful…. it’s been an emotionally difficult week… but we’ve been very blessed… and we thank you tremendously.
Here’s the latest…. Benjamin has been in the Newborn Intensive Care Unit since Monday… Doctors were concerned about his breathing and an infection in his lungs. His condition has improved over the past couple of days and he has responded well to the antibiotics. Ben has been breathing without the aid of oxygen since Wednesday night… right now he looks to be doing pretty well (despite a little bout with jaundice). Doctors are telling us he could be healthy enough to take home by Saturday (03/28/2009). WE’RE EXCITED. Here is a recent picture of him in the NICU…